Friday, October 22, 2010

Williams Joins 'Defund NPR' Chorus

Everyone on “The O’Reilly Factor” last night was calling for Congress to defund NPR, but Juan Williams, at that point, didn’t join that particular call.

Until Friday morning.

Via, here’s the transcript from “Fox and Friends:”
Gretchen Carlson: Some members of Congress are calling for NPR to be defunded.

Juan Williams: You know what? I love NPR. I think that NPR is an important institution. I think oftentimes the quality of journalism is fantastic. I’m not about attacking NPR. But I do think this, Gretchen. If they want to compete in the marketplace, they should compete in the marketplace. They don’t need public funds. I think they should go out there, if they think the product is so great, go out and sell the product. And what happens is, too often, then, they want to make it out like, “You know what? We are a public jewel and we need the protection of the federal government. We need federal funds that come through the member stations and they pay for this product.” Nonsense. They are on a federal dole, is what it is And they better admit it and step up if they want to compete.

(Tom sez:  I would bet just about everyone in commercial radio would agree.)

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